Monthly Archives: October, 2011

Veganism: World Vegan Day and ‘Try’ Veganism Month.

Here is an article about World Vegan Day and ‘Try’ Veganism Month. An altered version of this will be published mid-November in my university magazine and on their website: It’s is a general article aimed at introducing and encouraging student to think about veganism, and hopefully succeeds! I try to describe the what, why …

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Follow The Hippie Agenda on Tumblr!

Follow my Tumblr account for even more musings on social issues and an ethical lifestyle: Alice.  

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Feminism: Women Granted Votes in Saudi Arabia.

Nearly a century ago women gained the right to vote in the UK. Although initially limited to women of particular ages and social standing, it wasn’t too long before suffrage equal to men was won for all women. Though many argue that this was a long hard battle, it seems an easy victory when compared …

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Animal Rights: The Bullfighting Ban.

On the 1st of January 2012, Bullfighting will become a legally banned sport in Catalonia. The passing of the ban by Parliament in Barcelona was prompted by a petition against the sport, which gained 180,000 signatures. Catalonia joins the Canary Islands as the second Spanish region to enforce such a ban, but is the first …

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